Free wheelin again
The Dylan movie still haunts me. Maybe it's because I always wanted to be him, or to live the life he lived. As with the Beatles, his music made up the sound track of my life. I didn't like his first album, but then, I suspected, neither did he. But Free Wheelin knocked me over. I was 13 years old, living in my grand parent's house, not yet knowing that I already had history with Dylan since my mother was in Graystone Park during Dylan's visits to Woody Gutheri – and it is possible I passed him during many visits to see my mother without knowing it. When I heard Dylan's music I convinced myself that I might someday become a folk singer, and tried my best to learn the songs on Free wheelin on my uncle's jumbo Guild guitar. In those days and up until the early 1970s, no coffee house performer could avoid doing Dylan's music – or for that matter many of the other performers that once made up the heart of the Greenwich Village scene in the 1950...