That’s life January 30, 2024
I had to catch up with all the stuff I’ve been putting off, such as updating my ezpass (they are going to crack down on toll cheaters) as well as make appointments with my various doctors. It scares me that I have so many doctors I have to make appointments with, including my primary who is holding my prescriptions hostage in order to get me to come in and see him. The blood doctor for my leukemia already had an appointment scheduled, I just forgot what the date was. As terrifying as the word leukemia sounds, I apparently have contracted a curable kind, four shots that make the whole matter go away. Unfortunately, I have to show symptoms before he’ll treat it, and some people do not show symptoms for decades – which at my age means I’ll likely be dead of something incurable before I have to worry about this. Non the less, he has me coming in for regular blood tests to gauge my progress. My urologist is the biggest pain in the ass (figuratively and literally) ...