They say there will be snow on Tuesday Jan. 15, 2024


They predict snow again for tomorrow – one to three inches possible. This is something more significant than the dusting we had as our only snow storm so far of the season.

We bought extra salt ahead of the first storm and since we had no need of it (or even a shovel for that matter) we are ready to deal with the impact, as were all those other fools who panicked over the previous storm and stocked up on provisions for a month which they never got to use (not even all the toilet paper).

We are finally experiencing winter as we have in the past. It is cold. Fortunately, we bought a bag to keep our take out meals warm and used it for the take out Chinese food we buy each Sunday evening.

Many people get theirs delivered. We make the trip there and back, a place just up 48th Street from Park Avenue.

The owners have gotten used to our routine, although it briefly changed in the aftermath of COVID. For some reason we stopped getting take out for a while or made the trip to the local Taco Bell instead. Over the last several years, however, we had resumed the routine of dinner out on Friday, Succi and noodle soup on Saturday, and Chinese takeout on Sunday.

Other days because of our differing schedules, we cook our own meals individually.

We did not stock up on food for the past storm but had to stand in long lines to deal with the panicked buying both last week and somewhat this weekend.

Three inches is hardly anything to write home about, but it may muffle the quacks and their constant talk about climate change, at least, until they come up with some other way to spin the weather as proof of their silliness, too much snow, too little snow, too cold, too warm, not enough of either.

At the end of the day, anything that happens proves anything they say, which means nothing.

Of course, the president has bought into all of this, banning light bulbs, gas stoves, water heaters and such in an effort apparently to increase the business we do with China, which manufacturers almost all the alternative energy we might use in their place, even though the light bulbs they would have us use pollute the soil and can be deadly if a shard breaks our skin. Banning Gas stoves and water heaters is stupid since the electrical equivalent comes from coal and gas power generating plants, which the president would love to get rid of as well but has no way to replace. Wind and Solar do not generate enough to power all the electric gadgets we have all become accustomed to using (most of which are made in China from unsustainable elements etc.)

Even my snow shovel is made in China, which is punishment for my choosing to purchase cheaply (they were on sale, two for the price of one when I purchased them in 2021 and found lack of snow in 2022 into 2023 allowed them to remain still functional. I’m sure scraping up the expected three inches will likely wear them out and force me to seek another pair for any potential future storms.

Fortunately, it is winter and the president’s planned ban on air conditioners won’t impact me until late spring (or when the planet heats up so that we ceased needing gas powered heaters due to the warm temperatures. Maybe with what I save on gas heat, I can buy a small row boat to deal with the expected rise on the ocean levels, even though I live on the top of a hill, unlike all those idiots in places like Hoboken who bought in well-established flood zones and rented or purchased basement apartments that previous owners in the past knew better than to occupy for living.

These changes, of course, were welcomed by local officials, who saw each new condo developed as new taxable income, and now, to protect their interests and to appease the fools who bought basement apartments, these leaders are blaming climate change in order to pick the pockets of fossil fuel companies or taxpayers elsewhere who were wise enough not to buy condos in areas that have been flooding for hundreds maybe even thousands of years.

Snow is different. It piles up on top of hills like mine or in the darkest corners of the flood plain and if enough falls, eventually it all has to melt – usually filling up rivers and streams well-known for overflowing their banks.

It is an unfortunate argument that won’t allow common sense to win over whacko climate change nuts.


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