Snow by Christmas? Jan 3, 2024


Weather forecasters are telling us we might have a major snowstorm this weekend or we may not.

This, of course, is science at its best, hedging its bets because it is struggling to make sense of anything in this new climate of strange predictions.

New York, of course, has been fortunate not to have seen the kind of snow storm that destroyed the Lindsay administration in the 1960s, giving us rain instead of snow whereas all around us most communities still had snow.

this just feeds into the frenzy of climate change because New York has not had snow even though snow has been predicted and received elsewhere at a relatively normal pace.

I miss snow. I would love to see it. it's one of the reasons I hated California, but the fact is I don't miss shoveling the crap and this is not a bad thing for most senior citizens who would have to do that if the weather went the way forecasters would like.

The problem is that regardless of whether we get snow or rain the forecasters are going to tell us this is an unusual even and they have really no way to know, looking back through their crystal balls at the past to see if this is part of a long range pattern or not.

They are so caught up in their misbelief in climate change that they are willing to sell us this fear mongering even when it may not be valid.

Of course, we're not going to have a white Christmas since Christmas was almost 10 days ago and we didn't get one iota of snow.

But regardless of what happens after this weekend, the climate change nuts are going to still be screaming and the weather forecaster are still going to be hedging their bets about whether or not this is unusual.

For many old timers, we can now talk to the young kids about how bad it was when we were young and how we had to trudge through feet of snow to get to school etc. etc. -- when it is all bogus

We keep hearing about how the glaciers are melting in Greenland when they had melted before and refrozen during the little ice age, a situation that no one has yet to explain.

The little ice age made it colder than usual. from about Shakespeare's time till the end of the civil war when we saw things like the Thames River freeze, and we saw the Vikings forced out of Greenland farms because of advancing glaciers.

Truth be told, the Earth has been warming for 40,000 years and had it not been there would be no New York City or Hackensack River valley for us to worry about whether we're going to get rain or snow since the glaciers occupied that until they drew back with the warming of the planet.

What the radical climate change scientists are telling us that we are artificially creating a warmer planet because of all of our fossil fuels, when in fact we simply reverted to the pattern we had before the little ice age began, only these green whackos do not calculate that into their scheme and would rather see us freeze in order to justify their predictions -- none of which have ever come true

If it does snow this weekend, I will get out the shovel and salt like I have all of my life and deal with it and not worry about what the wacko scientists are telling us will or won't happen or why and I will start up my car to keep the battery alive and I will do all those things necessary to survive regardless of what the nut cases on my radio tell me.


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