Returning home? Monday, February 12, 2024


Yesterday’s news was more than a little shocking. But it raises a lot more questions than her brief response on Facebook answered.

All this comes at a time when it appeared she had settled down, had found a measure of happiness, a job she liked and a home she intended to remain in.

But suddenly, she’s packing up and moving, not just locally, but over a distance, similar to moves she’s made in the past when some life changing event occurred, usually when some plan of her fells through or some romance failed.

These faraway moves seem designed to get her out of the old environment into a new one where she could start fresh.

This is why her current move is so much more puzzling.

While it is a huge leap, just as going from NY to Hudson County to Weehawken was years ago, or even prior to that, a plunge into a marriage that took her on a five year musical tour that eventually brought her to New York, after which she leaped out of Hudson County to NYC, and then to where she lives now (for some ungodly reason).

But her current leap brings her back to the New York area, which makes no sense, and does not quite fit the pattern.

Is her moving to New York State a coincidence? Or is there something that draws her back, some hope of rekindling something that she may have abandoned previously? A lover? A job?

While in NY state, she briefly took up horseback riding, and since this was something she has been deeply involved during her stay in town she currently lives in, it is possible she decided to return for that reason.

She claims she will have the same job – did she mean for the same company (I can find no reference to her current company having facilities in the town she is moving into) or the same profession, something she largely had since she was employed by the city way back when.

Since a horse rarely changes it colors, I have to assume she is seeking to start over again, although what strikes me most is her public display of this, her posting a picture of her moving boxes, and her allowing the associated comments to be available to the general public.

Since I know she follows my blog, I am again assuming that in part this is a message, if not just to me, then certainly knowing that I will see it, even though I am careful not to expose myself when visiting her various sites.

I have avoided posting any more current journal entries that have anything to do with her and keep what I do post to those written a decade ago, leaving her to read into those whatever she wishes.

Meanwhile, I’m waiting for another shoe to drop, more information that might explain her flight from what seems a comfortable life.

If the past is any indication, she has likely come up with another stalker, from whom she has to create great distance. There is no way to know who this is or what transpired, only that it does not involve me (I think), otherwise, she would not be fleeing back to an area of the country she knows I frequent with trips once or twice a year.

Anyway, this woke me up, and reminded me of the need to be a bit more careful, because I have even less information about her motivations these days than I did a decade ago when she posted poems that gave valuable clues to her mindset.


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