Dumb and dumber on Columbia U April 18, 2024



Columbia U is burning,

Proving again that our best and brightest

Aren’t our best and brightest anymore

But a lunatic fringe that is no longer fringe,

But a pack of brainwashed over-educated idiots

Who boast of their own stupidity,

Stupid is, as Forrest Gump says, as stupid does,

Regardless of how many degrees they have

Sad, pathetic, children of the corn

Who have ingested hate

Threatening now to poison the rest of us,

Carrying their ignorance around on their chests

Like a badge of honor when they have no honor

Nor do the institutions that made them that way

Earning their degrees on their degree of ignorance

Empty-headed prattlers who get filled

With the frustrated philosophies of professors

Who could not sell this snake oil when they were young

And now feed it to our kids to poison them,

Creating a generation of brainless zombies

Who chant slogans of hate

While believing there are righteous’

When they are not,

Stupid people doing stupid things

For stupid reasons,

A dumb and dumber generation

Proud of their idiocy.


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