It’s the end of Asbury Park as we knew it. April 19, 2024


If all goes well, we’re headed to Asbury Park today, needing to get there before the summer season starts, and traffic becomes a nightmare.

We also need to check on a few of the icons that are at risk, including the paramount and the casino, both of which are in desperate need of repair. Ringo – yes that Ringo – closed down the Paramount when his inspectors found out if was too unsafe for him to play there.

The real sadness, however, comes with the notice that Frank’s Deli is up for sale, made famous by the fact that Bruce Springsteen used to frequent the place, apparently unwilling to expend all the money he’s gotten from his monstrously expensive concert tickets.

It won’t matter if Frank’s closest since Springsteen has informed the world he will be living outside the United States if Trump gets elected president – one more stupid thing this washed out rock star has done.

Asbury is no longer Asbury anyway and our going there is largely a tribute to what it once was, rather than what it is, and certainly not what it is destined to become, one more pathetic sea side community like Long Branch and the host of other shore towns that had constructed luxury buildings on the beaches, denying ordinary people access to the ocean. For all the illusion of woke, we live in a time when the most woke are also the most hypocritical, lording over the poor just as they came more traditional wealthy people do.

At some point, common sense will prevail, but not before working people are driven out of existence, even in traditionally blue collar towns.

Working families spent a lot of money to get their kids to college, only to have them brainwashed by bitter holdover radical professors from the 1960s, who have taught them to hate America, and their backgrounds, white guilt the operating principal in this pathetic woke society. The universities which foster this idiocy have gotten rich on the backs of working people and now that those families and their kids did not get what they paid for and can’t afford to pay the blackmail colleges charge in the guise of tuition, we get a president who wants to spend even more working people’s money to bail out the colleges and forgive loans students took out on the assumption they would have their place in the contemporary gold rush – only its not Native Americans that are being displaced, but their own parents and grandparents.

We go to Asbury to get the last glimpses of a life we loved and is being rapidly destroyed, leaving only a memory of what was a really good life – despite idiots like Springsteen who have leaped into this new age with both feet.

Hopefully, the rain will hold off until we get back.

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