Not good enough for jury duty – at last April 3, 2024

 Every three years without fail, the county contacts me to serve on jury duty, and every time I respond with the admission that I once was indicted by a grand jury for larceny.

This admission did little to dissuade them from forcing me to show up at the court house to serve.

I even once managed to serve as a juror in a trial.

This year, they hit me up again, only this time when I pointed out to my previous conviction, they decided I was ineligible to serve.

After decades of this dance, I’m suddenly an unworthy partner.

Not that I mind. I don’t like being in court as a defendant or a juror. I’m merely puzzled as to what changed their minds about me.

You would think with the lax justice system that is determined to let loose every sort of nefarious character, they would embrace me as a juror, on the assumption that my sympathies lie with the bad guys.

I do have issues with the legal system that turned into a political tool, rather than a system of justice. People who ought to be locked up are set free, but people – just as the protestors from Jan. 6 have become Stalin-like targets in order to support a misguided and perhaps devious assumption of an insurrection.

My daughter and my ex-wife, who rely on major media, actually believe all that crap and so are still terrified to go to Washington, DC because they might be bushwhacked by the Proud Boys or some other right leaning group. Wisely, they avoid New York City where the Democrats let so many criminals loose, it is almost as bad as the good of 1970s where you could get mugged stepping out of your front door.

The only trial I want to be a juror on would be the one that puts Biden on trial. But he’s already been ruled as incompetent to stand trial so that won’t happen.

Anyway, since I’ve aged out, the system can no longer tap me for jury duty even if it found me acceptable, and they will have to find some other registered Democrat to do their dirty work and only put Republicans in jail.

All this puts me at odds with the arts community, which has reverted to its usual role as propaganda machine for all left-leaning agendas, completely ruining the concept of art.

George Orwell was right when he said “all art is propaganda but not all propaganda is art.” Unfortunately, all the would-be artists I used to hang out have fallen into the second part of that statement, making art events unbearable to attend, and pointless to support.

George Harrison once pointed out “All things must pass,” but looking at the world today, we might not like what replaces what we consider sane.

Maybe I’ll frame my jury summons just for nostalgia, part of a dying culture where artists, jurors and media were considered objective (a foolish notion of course since Watergate was just another Democratic power grab but it is nice to believe things were better in the past when they might not have been.)


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