Back again May 23, 2024


I almost missed the posting of a new photo on her Facebook page.

There is usually so little new on that page I often do not go there for days. But new photo brought me back to those days when I would wake up to find a new one every morning.

And the one she posted yesterday (I think it was yesterday) is so reminiscent of those earlier photos, I stared at it for a while on the screen before downloading a copy.

She had the old makeup on, amazingly framed eyes with eye liner and mascara, and red lips. It was like going back in time, and stirred up similar feelings as to those I felt way back then, although with more than a decade of additional experience, the photo didn’t make me quake inside the way they once did.

I would like to think she posted the picture for me, but I know better, and it is safer to assume she did not, since there are some things in the past we do not want to revisit.

In this photo, she looked professional again, not as stern as one of the photos she posted late last year, but not as laid back as one of the other photos, her hair in place, her makeup perfect, and her gaze looking out at the world as if she’s managed to resolve all those painful issues that have come her way as of late.

I posted a poem in reaction to it, then took the poem down, just to keep from provoking any adverse reaction on her part. I have to learn to appreciate small gifts life gives me without going off the deep end.

I’ll take it as a gift from the gods, regardless of how she intended it. I’ll repost the poem here on the assumption very few people check this site


Is it me?


May 22, 2024


She did it again

Or is it me,

A blast from the past

As potent as ever

Her mouth set,


Her eyes framed

Like a masterpiece,

And I stare,


The way I was back then,

Is it me?

Or is she some force of nature

That sweeps into our lives

Like a storm,

And passed out

Leaving us to wonder

What it is that hit us

And whether we will

Ever be the same,

The memory of her impact

Coming back

Making me react

Just as I did then,

Shaken each time

She posts a new one,

And this so much like

Those I used to see

On my phone

In my head

In my dreams in bed.

I stare

Feeling like an interloper

Like a peeping Tom

Caught  in the act,

Just a picture

And yet,

More than that.


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