Back to the shop May 13, 2024


Back to the shop with my car so I can get it inspected.

 the horn doesn't work; the brakes squeal and the sticker for inspection is more than a year and a half out of date

otherwise it's perfectly legal

 perhaps I'm inspired by my birthday having survived for another year makes me wanna put things back in order

and perhaps even catch up with all that I'm behind at work with

I visited the graves of my great great grandfather, and my great grandfather and grandmother who among the host of other family members interred in Lodi, the town of which our clan sprang after their arrival here from Italy -- actually it was via a short stop in Little Italy in New York

I also visited Peggy's grave.

The stuffed bear that I left around Christmas with the New York Giants pin on it is long gone snow sleet hail and rain and such but the Angel pin from Easter flowers remained.

 I did not get to her grave on Saint Valentine's Day eve as I wanted to which was the 25th anniversary of her taking of her own life

But I get there often if just to say hello

My poet friend put up a new video on Saturday a day early on account of Mother's Day which I have not yet had time to check out the only access I have two real information even if it is limited to her short rides.

this past week has been too busy with work, ritual issues to catch up with.

The weather and the need for the world to get back to normal brings about a flurry of events we all need to chase down and cover

For as many years I have been doing this I have always been behind, hating the drudgery of reporting when I find doing my own writing much more tolerable waking up and getting down to things I feel are more important than mere news.

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