Revamping my blog once again May 11, 2024


Things have calmed down in regards to the hits on my website. Instead of hundreds of hits a day, we’re back to a few dozen.

This may be a result of my taking down many of the older posts and my attempt to relocate some of the journal entries onto another page,

This may have been a mistake, which I am currently correcting by restoring the journal entries – but not the poetry journal entries.

I’m rewriting the poetry journals into a poetry, and restoring them one or two per day, and since there are hundreds of these (plus many poetry journals I haven’t yet even bothered to post) this last aspect will take time.

I still have journal entries to post, but will wait until I’m caught up with restoring the previous ones before I start adding additional entries.

All of this is largely taking place in a vacuum.

In the past, I had access to a lot of material – when she still posted poems and essays, along with the fact that her political enemies were never shy about talking about her.

She has resumed posting videos once a week, which provide almost no information about her day to day life, a few nagging hints, possibly that she had remarried and has recent divorced (nothing I can feel confident as actually transpiring). She did move north for a reason, but I have no way of knowing what it actually is.

The only information I have is guess work based partly on those pages on my blog she has been hitting on regularly, and since removing many of those pages, I basically reduced even that information source.

She does hit on the erotic pieces I’ve posted – even those that have nothing to do with her, but an old mafia widow from years ago. I have written a number of fantasy things during our brief encounter in 2012 and later in the aftermath of our falling out, which I’ve posted some of, but these hardly reflect the total of my feelings during that period.

I’m still debating at what point to cease posting entirely. I’ve speculated on ending these journals with the end of 2013 just after my last direct contact with her at the renaming of a second school in the town where she worked, and her sudden resignation from her position.

She did continue to post a few poems into 2014-2015, but most of her posts were essays – some of these posted as late as 2022, although I ceased my daily journal about her ion 2015. I did continue to post poems as late as 2017, some of which were written in 2012 and 2013, and some written as late as 2017.

Some of the poems I’m posting now are rewritten from the journal entries of the past, but there are a few new ones.

It is possible that I will cease to post journals shortly, but continue to post poems and other fantasy pieces (some inspired by her, others not), but I’ll know more in the next few weeks.

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email to Al Sullivan


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