Still going, but not for long May 15, 2024


I’ve restored much of the original blog not really knowing what impact it has, and largely know little about what is currently transpiring in her life.

Unlike in the past in which she posted poems and essays, making much of this clear, she posts very little that is publicly available except for her videos.

For the most part, I ceased even following her blog back in 2015 and so have very little knowledge about what went on with her in the aftermath of her leaving her political post – though I know she got a new job in New York City around that time.

Her move out of the apartment she lived in since 2010 came at a curious moment since it coincided with my moving to a new home a few blocks away, making me wonder if there was some connection.

I assumed at the time (with nothing to substantiate this theory) that she had moved in with someone (possibly a romantic situation) into an apartment in upper Manhattan and commuted to work via subway. She gave up her car years earlier while still working for the city. Occasionally, she posted something work related, nothing personal, so that side of her life remained a mystery.

Then at some point prior to the COVID pandemic she made a dramatic move south, abandoning her job and her apartment (and my best guess her romantic attachment) and floundered for a bit (with an assortment of odd jobs) before settling into a really respectable employment (which she still retains).

Her recent move north has all the same earmarks of another personal tragedy. I thought I heard her mention the word “divorce” in one of her videos, but I might be wrong. Yet, it is clear she needed to move in a hurry, abandoning a place she loved and some of her personal projects, which she has since resumed.

I know she follows the blog in which I have been posting old poetry and essays derived from that time when I still followed her blog closely (as well as the whole disaster of our time working together).

I had intended to stop the whole thing, but it has become a habit. I never intended to post any of the fantasy bits or even the poetry journals, but kept up partly because the hits on my site suggested she was looking at these. (don’t know if this is good or bad). I briefly took many of these down in a panic, and then recently restored them, and will be continuing the essays from where I left off, as well as converting the poetry journals into poems.

I’m not sure I’ll post any more erotica or fantasy pieces (I have no clue how she feels about them and I feel a bit odd in posting them).

All this, of course, comes in a vacuum, since unlike with her poetry which I sometimes once believed she communicated with me, there is no interchange under than my presumptions – which may be completely wrong.

I’m still uncertain as to when I will cease posting – having originally planned to stop when I reached that point when I last actually saw her at the naming of a school after a U.S. Senator. Although she continued to post poems into 2015, these came so rarely, I had very little to write about except to review her essays. But even these became infrequent. So, most likely, I’ll cease posting when the majority of her poetry posting run out.

That’s the plan. But I could always change my mind. I doubt very much whether she’ll message me in any to inform me of her preferences.

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