Celebrating the Fourth July 3, 2024


Ran my car into a fence. So, I won’t be going anywhere for the weekend until I can get it fixed.

I don’t drive much these days since I live so close to the light rail station, only the bastards in NJ Transit are playing games with the tickets, similar to what New York does with PATH and metro cards. If you buy them and don’t use them within a certain amount of time, these semi-governmental bodies cancel the card and steal you money.

It’s no wonder why people hop turnstiles, figuring to get even for being ripped off by these groups.

Went to Bayonne yesterday for the fireworks festival (yes, they celebrating independence day two days prior to the actual date. Since I went south during rush hour, I had no problems making connections. The return trip (after dark since I had to wait for the fire works to start) was a whole different situation, waiting on trains after NJ Transit took most of them out of service, and when they arrived, they had too few cars and so were overflowing with people.

I got out of covering the Jersey City fireworks tomorrow, but we will likely walk to the overlook in Weehawken to catch sight of the Macy’s display which will be in the Hudson River for the first time in decades. If it gets too crowded, we can always take the short walk back home and say we tried.

The fourth of July marks the official beginning of summer for most shore resorts, as depicted in the classic film, Jaws. I ache to get to the beach but don’t try in season, unless we sneak there off hours during the week (when my car is fixed).

We’re about to get our first hurricane of the season, which means all the climate whackos will be screaming again about carbon and such, nut cases that have yet to prove carbon is the cause, and yet they grab their piece of the funding currently available to help them pay for these questionable studies.

I’m sure 40,000 years ago when New York was covered in ice, we might have heard the same rant about rising sea levels (which has taken place, inches, not feet, and mostly due to water vapor from sunlight on the oceans – which is why some whackos want to find a way to block sunlight – whackos coming up with even more hairbrained schemes.)

We are, however, headed into a new heat wave, and I already have all the fans on throughout my house.

I could go out to my car and run the air conditioning in it, but someone will likely complain that I’m adding to climate change – which I am, gladly.

But with the rattle due to my encounter with a fence, I’ll just have to suffer through the heatwave, maybe sit in the back yard the way we did during the summer of COVID when stormtroopers threatened us with arrest for not wearing our masks out of doors.

COVID is still with us, of course, but in a strain so mild you might mistake it for the common cold. But don’t you dare sneeze in public. You might get arrested for that, too.

Anyway, happy fourth.

email to Al Sullivan


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