Getting ready for the dolphins again July 2, 2024
Just made reservations for our trip to Cape May.
We have not yet set a date for our August trip to Woodstock
(to make up for the one we usually take in May) but since booking rooms in the
Kingston area is a lot easier than getting similar bookings for Victorian Week
in Cape May, I got that one out of the way first, with the hope that we will
once again see Dolphins (and possibly whales) when we get there as we have in
the past.
Our seeing both in Asbury late last year was a pleasant
surprise, especially because we spotted them just off the shore from the place
where our poet did her May Pole dance for her mother just prior to Thanksgiving.
There are several ironies associated with them.
One of these involved our trip to Cape May in the fall of
2012 when I was in particular strife in regards to the poet, and we saw
hundreds of dolphins swimming off shore just as we turned for our return trip
I wrote a series of poems about the sighting and how seeing
them helped me get over the anguish of the previous summer.
Somewhere in the many thousands of pages of journal, I recorded
our poet’s first encounter with dolphins, during a summer trip to Costa Rica, at
some point around 2001, and how shocked she was.
I think of Dolphins the way Greek mythology does, as steeds
for water gods, gods who ride on the backs of Dolphins.
I believe there is magic in such sightings, and so I cherish
each time I manage to see them floating out among the waves, like angels, which
is why I was so affected when I saw them in Asbury, as if the gods were conveying
a message, and how we all are living myth.
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