memories of a bank robber June 13, 2024


what exactly prompted her to hit my site so often yesterday I can't say perhaps it involved the post about her connection to the mob and the manzo family if so then she'd be even less real with the post about the small man alerting me to the latest of her boyfriend's back in December 2013, a bank robber slated to go to jail in January 2014 though only for a short time suggesting he may have hooked up with yet one more criminal who became a cooperating with this for the feds
all this time later I still don't know why the small man needed to tell me perhaps he did not want to see me get physically hurt or suspected I might be wasting tender feelings on a woman who had taken a dark path through life
all this painting an ugly portrait of her and seems to confirm that she was in cahoots with others even while working at our office and that I might have derailed some of these plans
the reason why she continued to hate me for more than a year after her resignation
wow I can't really paint her as the female member of Bonnie and Clyde I suspect she may have embraced her role as mobster mole until the small man and others exposed her and yet became useless player in the north county power game and one more reason why she fled in late 2013 and early 2014 for greener pastures

email to Al Sullivan


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