Steering her own yacht July 1, 2024


Then as now

She needs control

To be the person

In charge of her

Own life,

And not to be

Under anybody

Else’s thumb,

Even the rape

That must still

Haunt her,

Is less about sex,

Than being

Taken advantage of,

She had already

Given into his hits,

He wanted more,

Treating her

Like a puppet,

Drugging her so

He could pull her strings,

Had he just keep

Hitting on her,

She might have given in,

After all she had

Already said “yes”

The first time,

She might have said

Yes again,

Only it was never

About yes or not,

Giving in or not,

He needed to

Manipulate her,

Which must have

Scared the bejesus

Out of her,

More deeply even

Than the act itself,

She needing to steer

Her own yacht,

Needing to choose

Just whose name

Was in her daily planner,

Not having it

Thrust upon her.


email to Al Sullivan


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