Happy birthday Garrick Dec. 27, 2024


Today is Garrick’s birthday, the last of three best friends with whom I’ve shared a majority of my life, all born the December, although in different years.

Garrick, born in 1949, was Pauly’s earliest friend, having met him as kids in what was then called West Paterson, a love-hate relationship that continued right up until Pauly’s death in 2020.

Garrick, a burly, somewhat laid back character, whose family moved around a lot when he was a kid, used to brag about that moment at midnight when he and Pauly were the same age – Pauly born on Dec. 28, 1948, and Garrick, Dec. 27, 1949.

The two boys met on the street the bordered West Paterson and Paterson, when Garrick found Pauly sitting on the curb playing with toy soldiers.

It was a moment that would define the rest of their lives since Pauly soon learned that Garrick had a portable radio and a full set of Hardy Boys books, both of which Pauly borrowed, returning the radio later broken. He never returned the books.

Oddly enough, the two of them crossed paths with me even though I didn’t know it at the time. Both sets of parents moved around a lot and for a brief time relocated in my neighborhood on the Clifton-Paterson border. Both managed to attend Kindergarten at St. Brendan’s slightly ahead of my arrival there, all of us had Mrs. Grady as our Kindergarten teacher, a fact I did not learn until we were well into middle age.

Garrick’s family had moved to Crooks Avenue on the Paterson side, a block from where I lived with my grandparents on the Clifton side. Pauly’s family had taken up an apartment on Getty Avenue a few blocks deeper into Paterson, another fact I did not come to realize until many years later when we came to visit Wayne Hoover and his family and Pauly recognized the apartment as one he had lived in.

Pauly became the lead singer of a local bar band with Garrick working as the sound man.

Garrick being a frugal man even then fronted the band with equipment, often never getting his investment back, sometimes not even getting paid for his effort.

In the early 1970s, Garrick fell in love with a woman that would become the love of us life, and lived in Little Falls. Pauly being the con man recognized a kindred spirit in this woman, which is why she came to hate him. Pauly was there to pick up the pieces when she dumped Garrick for some rich man, and later, when Pauly’s romance fell apartment, Garrick reciprocated by letting Pauly move in with him into one of the apartments we all eventually lived in at different times in Passaic, in a complex owned by Garrick’s aunt. Pauly eventually got an apartment there on his own, but could not keep up on the rent, got evicted and then moved in with Garrick again in an attic room. All moved out when Garrick’s aunt sold the place, leaving me as the last remaining of the old gang, until I finally moved out on New Years 1989-1990. For a brief period, Pauly moved in with me in the large Passaic apartment before moving on to live with another mutual friend.

Garrick moved in with other relatives, first in West Paterson, and eventually Totowa, and most recently Elmwood Park (formerly East Paterson) with a brief stink living with Hank (the other of my three best friends).

Hank’s death in 1995 and later Pauly’s in 2020 (prior to COVID) must have hurt Garrick deeply, and so, this time of year, when Pauly’s birthday comes (and Hank’s, who was born on Dec. 24), because it raised in all of us this sense of morality. Hank’s death was no surprise since he had been ill for years. But Pauly’s death of a heart attack hit hard. It was Garrick that called me mid-January to inform me of “the sad news” and each year this time, I can still hear his voice over the phone, full of pain.

I think Garrick was also surprised that he had outlived Pauly, because Garrick has always been less healthy (despite his Winnie the Pooh phase of eating honey and other healthier foods).

Life, of course, is always the saddest of stories, because the end is always the same, not the stuff of romantic movies.

I suppose I’ll have to make the call just to make sure Garrick’s all right.

One never knows.



email to Al Sullivan


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