Reboot Feb 1, 2025
It’s been a bad two weeks.
My home computer, which has been going blue screen for
weeks, finally bit the dust. Luck alone allowed me to off load the files on the
hard drive before the computer ceased booting up at all.
But I lost programing. Worse, I lost access to several key
websites, including my original Facebook.
I managed to get another computer and have been reassembling
the web stuff, some of which may well be lost forever.
Perhaps more troubling are the medical issues.
Even though I was scheduled for my yearly physical in March,
my primary doctor decided to hold my prescriptions hostage until I saw him,
which I did finally on Monday.
He was concerned about my blood pressure which has been problematic
in the past. When I got there, my weight had moderately increased, but the
medication kept the blood pressure in check.
The blood test, however, showed a jump in my cholesterol
levels – too much cheese and red meat. He recommended a low-fat high protein
diet. (There goes my homemade mac and cheese, using pork sausage).
The blood work also showed an increase in my white cell
count. A few years ago, I was diagnosis with CLL, a rare but curable leukemia
that strikes people above the age of 60. Only it can’t be treated until the sympt oms show.
My urine also had blood in it.
So, all this means I have to set up a string of doctors’
appointments – including a heart doctor, repeating to some degree what occurred
back in 2021 when I gave myself a double hernia by doing too many sit ups, resulting
in a series of surgeries, one to stitch up the hernias, and then to cut off a
piece of my prostate that had grown to the size of an orange.
The prostate had been growing for years – as far back as
2010 – and played havoc with my sex life.
The surgery worked and with the help of little blue pills I
was almost back to normal, although now, I’m not certain what the blood in the
urine means.
I certainly don’t want to go blue screen. And regardless of
the loss of programing, I’m pretty sure it’s not possible to reboot with
another body the way I have with the computer.
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